Schwierigkeit |
117 hm |
117 hm |
Tiefster Punkt | 385 m |
Höchster Punkt | 499 m |
1:45 h |
5,0 km |
City-Castle tour in Eichstätt

Quelle: KU Eichstätt, Autor: Saana Peurasaari
Die Tour
Easy and diverse waking tour with cultural and historical monuments in beautiful landscape. Multiple different restaurants and cafe´s along the journey.
City-Castle tour starts from the bothanical garden of katholic University of Eichstätt- Ingolstadt. First 15 minutes tour passes by nice restaurants and cafe´s which all offer traditional Baverian cousine. In this way is also couple historical churches. Trail leads throught Eichstätt railway-station to up hill where the natural part of the tour starts. In the way to castle is many historical ans biological sights about fossils and vegetation. In Castel area is possible to enjoy beautiful views off Eichstätt stadt and Eichstätt Bahnhoff directions. In the area is also located museum, which is open till 18:00 as well as bothanical garden. Bothanical garden is entry free but museum is not. In the inner yeard of the castle is also restaurant. Trail continues after that throught forrest to the highest point of the whole trail. Agan beautiful landscape opens in both sides of the trail whit a multiple possibilities to have a break or picknik. In this section is also located stone monument. Trail continues to the chapel on top of the hill, from where the way goes down to the steeper downhill throught the forest. Under the hill comes street crossing place and the way continues cross of the river to the way back to the University garden.
Spent some time in the Castle area, it hvaent been calculated to the overall time
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Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
Getting to Eichstätt Stadt with a bus or with a train from Munich or Nurenberg.
From the rail-way station it takes 15 minutes to walk to the starting point.
Parking is possible in the parking lot behind the University building.
Weitere Informationen
Spent some time in the castle area, and see that museum and bothanical garden are open till 18:00.
Sunprotection, snacks.
Trail is safe, but the last forrest part may be slippery in rain and when it´s wet so it is recommended to go the last downhill beside the concrete car road.