Walk to Stanzach

The trail from Elbigenalp to Stanzach
Tee und Kuchen
Lech River Trail Signposting
The Doser Waterfall Path
The heart of the Lech Valley

Die Tour

A varied walk, from the valley floor and the banks of the Lech to panoramic paths through forest and meadow.

Following the Lech from Elbigenalp, the trail initially meanders along the valley floor before ascending in the forest.  The valley seems to widen at this point, with more farms and bigger villages as the Lech grows in size and volume.  After passing through the small village of Haeselgehr, ascend to the mysterious Doser waterfall where the water inexplicably dries up every year between November and April.  Enjoy the short panoramic hike up to the falls before continuing on a panoramic trail that passes through peaceful forest and under limestone cliffs. Arriving finally in the hamlet of Vorderhornbach and the valley floor once more, it’s just a couple of kilometres through fields and on the banks of the Lech to Stanzach.


Remember that the Lechweg is well signposted. At regular intervals you will find a white curved "L" on a small black label attached to fences or street signs. Sometimes it has an additional small white arrow pointing the direction. In addition, the trees and the roads are also printed with this curved "L", so you can always be sure that you are still on the right track during the hike.


508 hm
631 hm
Tiefster Punkt 936 m
Höchster Punkt 1190 m
5:30 h
22,5 km





Spar Supermarket in Eligenalp


Post Office in Stanzach


Today’s walk starts outside the Spar Supermarket on the main street/road in Eligenalp.  Follow the street downhill passing the hospital and the police station until you see one of the yellow directional signs saying “Zum Lechweg”, turn right here off the road onto a path leading down to the river. When you reach the river, look carefully for the distinctive “L” sign as the path here goes underneath the bridge and alongside the left bank of the Lech.  Do not cross the bridge!

The first 7kms of today’s walk are on the valley floor, mostly following the Lech river.  However, there is a short first ascent on forest tracks to Koegeln (take care when crossing the road). 

Note that at the time of writing (June 2018) an “Umleitung” (diversion) was in place for part of the walk between Elbigenalp and Haeselgehr. Make sure you continue to watch out for the “L” waymarks and follow any “Lechweg Umleitung” signs that you find.

Arriving in Haeslegerh, cross the bridge near the church to take the path alongside the left bank of the Lech before ascending through meadows to the Doser waterfall.  If you want to visit the waterfall, turn left when you arrive at the gate and follow the path up the hill.  The path returns to the Lechweg shortly beyond.

Beyond the waterfall (a popular trail from the village) there are fewer people as the path winds beautifully on a trail through the forest, with panoramic views of the valley from time to time.  There are some steep ascents, and some steep descent sections – take care to place your feet carefully here and be extra vigilant if the weather has been wet.  After approx. 10kms of walking, the path becomes more technical, with tree roots and rocks.

As you pass by the hamlet of Elmer in the valley below, enjoy the scenic views and notice how the valley begins to widen as the river grows in force here. At approx. 13.4km, above Elmer, take care on the exposed section of path with some loose rocks under the feet. There is also a section at approx. 14.3 km underneath a cliff where there is a small waterfall.  Be careful on the rocky ascent path.

The forest is particularly lovely here – look out for the benches in the trees, a great opportunity for a lunch stop. Take care on the path splits in the forest, by always looking out for the white “L” signs.

After approx. 18kms, you will descend to Vorderhornbach. When approaching the river here, just on the edge of the village, be sure to take the path to the right towards the bridge with the blue railings, cross the bridge and enter the village and follow the L signs.

The path enters a wide meadow as you approach Stanzach. Reaching the river again, the path loops back on itself to cross a bridge and take you to the right bank of the river.  Continue to follow the path here along the river until you see a sign that points in the direction of Stanzach – turn right here and head into the village where today’s walk ends just outside the government office that includes a small tourist information booth and the post office.

Weitere Informationen

Points of Interest

Doser Waterfall

The Doser Waterfall is a beautiful sight, and a source of mystery.  The waterfall dries up each winter, and only flows from April to November.  According to legend, the stream flows from 23 April (St. George’s day) to 11 November (St. Martin’s day). There is a popular myth that tells of a dragon who is responsible for this! Scientists are still puzzling over the cause. They suspect an underground lake and its overflow from snowmelt triggers the phenomenon each spring.


The Tyrloean village of Stanzach lies at an altitude of 940 metres at the entrance of the Namosertal valley.  Every Thursday evening the local brass band plays a guest concert on the village square. You can read more about it via this link:


Food and Drink

There are no places to buy food and drink on the route today unless you divert off the trail at Haeselgehr or Elmen.  We strongly advise that you buy snacks and drinks at the small Spar supermarket in Elbigenalp before you depart in the morning.  Alternatively, your accommodation may be able to arrange a packed lunch for you.

This tour is available on the following itineraries: WGLRT, WGLRTSV


There is a long descent today on forest tracks and trails from the high meadows to the Lech valley floor and walking poles are again highly recommended to help protect your knees and ankles, and of course aid with balance.


There are several difficult sections of trail in the forest today.  Ensure you take care of your footing.  Be sure to wear comfortable boots with ankle support.  Check the weather forecast before you leave.  If you are concerned, you can pick up the local bus to Stanzach by diverting off the trail in Haeselgehr or Elmen.

You may be walking past a few different areas where cows graze. Although generally very docile and used to walkers, keep your distance and never turn your back on a cow that is behaving strangely or aggressive. Be particularly vigilant around cows with calves.