Makers Bible

A Manifesto for Quality, Passion & Craftsmanship

The story of Makers Bible

At Melville we have a passion for books, the design of editorial, the smell of paint and ink, embellishment and the craft of printing and book binding. Rewarding to us is to crack open a new book as much as it is to open a book for the hundredths of times. Books inherit memories, transport information and separate what is worth keeping.

As book designers we set ourselves the goal to create our own book - yet accompany it by a digital component that adds value. The first book on clothing, accessories, outdoor and urban mobility came out under the name "R** Bible". (Many will re-call but we are not allowed to use the name ever again.) Successfully sold and delivered after four months our first book encouraged us! Not only to create something by our own initiative but also to turn to yet another field of brands and product categories that we are passionate about.

Makers Bible "BEETROOT & STEEL" Edition presents the oldest craft of mankind: The gathering, provision and preparation of food.

For the love of food and good company. For those who are into craftsmanship and things that last. For those of you that believe that having a good time is the sole purpose of a meal in company and a drink shared. For those who are ambitious chefs and generous hosts: A 101 brands strong compendium of brands for cooking and indulgence. For stories told standing by the fire!


Goethestraße 20, 80336 München, Deutschland

Soziale Netzwerke

Human Space

Buch jetzt kaufen

376 Seiten, Sprache: English
Hard Cover, geprägt und veredelt
Fadenbindung für lange Lebensdauer
24 cm x 16 cm

Zum Onlineshop

The Alps

Buch jetzt kaufen

416 Seiten, Sprache: English
Hard Cover, geprägt und veredelt
Fadenbindung für lange Lebensdauer
24 cm x 16 cm

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